Comentando então as leituras da semana. Usando livros daquele jeito promíscuo, abre aqui, lê ali, relê o outro, volta três capítulos, anda até a última página, fecha tudo e vai embora.
In the Shade of the Commons - publicado pela plataforma waag-sarai. Os primeiros textos são muito bons. Principalmente a Delhi declaration of a new context for new media e a Letter to the Commons. Alguns pedaços:
"a more grounded view of the place of digital media would require us to go beyond the naiive celebratory rhetoric that sees the mere placement of computers and digital tools in the hands of under priviledged and underserved actors as sufficient conditions for the cultivation of a sensibility of digital creativity within society The important question to ask is not whether the majorities of societies are deprived of digital tools, or are on the 'wanting' side of the 'digital divide' but to question what people can do, and what they actualize when they gain access. Here we are clearly emphasizing content and process more than simply presence of and access to ICT." leia mais >>