pedagogical faultlines

Relato do Pedagogical Faultlines

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Anotações da apresentação do pessoal do Banco de Conocimiento Comun:

Modern School / Educacion Libre: La escuela moderna - Francec Ferrer i Guardia

Ateneu Enciclopédic Popular

Free School / Escuela Libre - White Lion London / Paideia

Homeschooling / De-schooling

Time Banks, LETS / Bancos de Tiempo

Hole in the wall

Sugata Mitra

Hole in the wall

Self learning

Not "self learning" in the sense of distant education 

Self organization. Beehives, stock market. 

Circunstantial knowledge 

The Blackmail of Lack

Prabhat Kumer Jha, Ankur:

"unless it is written, life is not accepted in school records"

"kitabghar (house of books) (...) not where users have a certain membership or a relationship of consumption, the group experience is vital for us" 

"an active reader is one who can build on a given text, using her own imagination and audacity" 

"language of lack"