

Esses planos do babaca aqui do lado me fazem pensar mais na necessidade de becapes físicos desconectados de coleções interessantes de dados... alguém tem um nome melhor para totem tecnomágico?


Continuando a pesquisar possíveis relações entre tecnologia e magia. Um dia desses publicaram um comentário lá num post meu no metapub. Meio viagem, mas me fez pensar mais nas sociedades que promoviam(promovem) intercâmbio de conhecimentos chamados mágicos. Fiquei sabendo que Barcelona tem um monte de pistas maçônicas, e outras tantas de outros tantos. E um dia desses minha cúmplice de vida me fez lembrar do Mago do tarô. Conta a wikipedia:

O Mago, o primeiro arcano maior do tarô, é uma carta que representa um adolescente, que tem um longo caminho a percorrer. Normalmente, tem sobre a sua cabeça o símbolo do infinito, dadas as inúmeras possibilidades e oportunidades que tem à sua frente. Esta carta tem o número I e a letra hebraica ALEPH.

Prometo que um dia desses sai algum rascunho dos contos tecnomágicos por aqui. Meu cadernim tá lotado de anotações. A história tá crescendo... Tô lendo o Ficciones do Borges, pela primeira vez em Castellano e relendo alguns quadrinhos (me aguardam pra logo os Livros da Magia do Neil Gaiman).

Rascunho geral tecnomágico

Indo por aqui...



A pesquisar

Daqui a pouco: servidor de irc, chatterbots e comandos shell. Ativar e desativar sensores com base em rotinas pré-estabelecidas ou IA. Servidores de arquivos. FTP anônimo. Stream local de áudio. Chaves randômicas. Essa mensagem se apagará em 5 segundos. Registro de MAC Address.

Caldeirao Magico

In Welsh myth, the goddess Ceridwen owned a great cauldron that would magically produce nourishing food--when commanded by a spell known only to the goddess. In modern science, Buckminster Fuller gave us the concept of "ephemeralization", technology becoming both more effective and less expensive as the physical resources invested in early designs are replaced by more and more information content. Arthur C. Clarke connected the two by observing that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".

To many people, the successes of the open-source community seem like an implausible form of magic. High-quality software materializes "for free", which is nice while it lasts but hardly seems sustainable in the real world of competition and scarce resources. What's the catch? Is Ceridwen's cauldron just a conjuring trick? And if not, how does ephemeralization work in this context--what spell is the goddess speaking?

Eric Raymond, via hdhd 

Hellfire club

The Hellfire Club dominates the summit of Montpelier Hill ten miles south of Dublin city. This substantial ruin was originally built in 1720 as a hunting lodge by William Conolly, the speaker of the Irish parliament. After his death it passed into the hands of the eponymous "Hellfire Club." The club, based on a suppressed English antecedent, was founded in Athy, Co. Kildare, in the 1730s by Richard Parsons (a.k.a. Jack St Leger) the first Earl of Rosse and a humorous painter called Worsdale. The members of the Hellfire Club were rakes and rowdy fops. They met in the Eagle Tavern on Dames Street in the city centre. As their name suggests they were rumoured to practice black magic. Reputable historians acknowledge that these stories have a basis in fact.


  1. The Hellfire Club did indeed carry out black masses and orgies on Montpelier Hill. However they had no mythos knowledge and merely used satanic regalia to spice up their bawdy drinking sessions.

  2. On one famous visit to Montpelier Hill the clubsmen set fire to the lodge whilst carousing within! Tradition claims that this was a wager to see who could survive the flames of Hell longest. This is incorrect. When Conolly built the lodge a 'fairy cairn' was broken. It was actually a huge Elder Sign placed there thousands of years before to trap a swarm of Fire Vampires. When the Hellfire Club (which was at that time a bunch of drunken fakers) encountered these horrific beings they were seduced to the worship of Cthuga. The fire occured when the cult summoned their master inside the stone-vaulted lodge. Though the club disappeared in the 1740s the Fire Vamp[ires are still alive, and hungry. leia mais >>


Vendo o Poder do Mito, DVD de entrevistas com o Joseph Campbell

- (...) It's a kind of schizophrenic crack-up, the Shaman experience.

- What kind of, ahn, experience?

- Dying and resurrecting, you know, being on the of SEILÁ of death and coming back, actually experience the death.


Tumbalalá toré, oké oxóssi


quem quiser ver um pouquinho do que rolou em tumbalalá, pode conferir nas fotos e nos áudios das oficinas.


Os encantos, ou encantados – e ainda, mestres ou guias – tumbalalá são entidades sobrenaturais originadas do processo voluntário de "encantamento" de alguns índios ritual ou politicamente importantes, ao deixarem a existência humana, distinguindo-se dos espíritos produzidos pela inexorabilidade da morte. Neste caso eles são seres ontologicamente híbridos que transitam bem entre os homens e o sobrenatural porque não morreram – o que quer dizer que não assumiram completamente uma não-humanidade – e gozam de predicados inacessíveis a um humano. Também podem ser seres que sempre existiram e que mantêm comunicação com os homens por meio de sonhos ou quando se fazem presentes mediante um mestre de toré que os incorpore. O "encantamento" pode ser ainda um estado transitório permitido a alguns mestres competentes o suficiente para dominar forças sobrenaturais e adquirir capacidade polimorfa ou simplesmente tornarem-se invisíveis.

http://www.socioambiental.org/pib/epi/tumbalala/tore.shtm leia mais >>

Linha de comando, donna em sampa e trocação de idéia

Eu tenho uma coleção de bookmarks aguardando leitura aqui no meu firefox. Hoje resolvi passar alguns (de vez em quando eu começo a ler alguns deles) e achei um artigo bem interessante:

Linux for Theatre Makers: Embodiment and *nix modus operandi

Alguns trechos que chamaram minha atenção:

My central thread in this text is the Linux computer operating system(OS) and more specifically the use of the command-line interface within this OS and its relationship to embodiment.


When I first discovered the power to delete the file in my OpenBSD terminal that the OSX finder could not trash I felt was no longer a prisoner inside my machine, only possessing knowledge of a GUI, I was formerly stuck in a holding pattern. Using *nix you keep moving all the time, discovering always new executable codes sensitive to commands.

In the shell I find a marvelous mess of constellations, nebulae, interstellar gaps, awesome gullies, that provokes in me an indescribable sense of vertigo, as if I am hanging from earth upside down on the brink of infinite space, with terrestrial gravity still holding me by the heels but about to release me any moment. An example is /dev/null - a special *nix file where you pipe your unwanted data flow through this output. When I first experienced viewing data disappearing into this file, I immediately had an epiphany about the black hole and how the theory of the event horizon might function in an every day context.

(...) leia mais >>



I’m thinking of how people upload text, pictures, audio and video. Although I can’t literally transform my personality into software, I can create a reasonable facsimile of myself online. The Web makes all the difference.

I often use the my word lifebox in this context to stand for a collection of data that holds a copy of a person’s life. My recent non-fiction book The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul discusses whether a lifebox emulation could ever truly be alive—and I think the answer will eventually be yes—but that’s not the issue I want to talk about today. Instead I want to focus on present-day and near-future technology.

As I say, the Web makes all the difference. The Web is something that I didn’t foresee in Software, but which William Gibson stressed in his contemporaneous Neuromancer, calling it cyberspace. That’s the other piece of cyberpunk, by the way. That is, cyberpunk is the web plus software immortality.


And in the sequel I’m now writing, Hylozoic, everything is alive. You’re building a stone wall, and the stones are talking to you, they’re happy, they think it’s cool to get to live half a meter off the ground, and they dig being mortared together. But, oh oh, you pissed near the stream, so now the stream gets the trowel to twist and cut your hand. Animism becomes real. leia mais >>