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--- Haraway_CyborgManifesto.html The third distinction is a subset of the second: the boundary between physical and non-physical is very imprecise for us. Pop physics books on the consequences of quantum theory and the indeterminacy principle are a kind of popular scientific equivalent to Harlequin romances as a marker of radical change in American white heterosexuality: they get [...]leia mais >>

Oráculo do Momento - Octávio Camargo

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--- (14:22:49) glerm: o octavio tava lendo isso ontem (14:22:58) glerm: nao sei se voce ja viu aquele deirio dele (14:23:07) glerm: que ele escreveu um oraculo (14:23:15) glerm: baseado num tipo de jogo de “porrinha” (14:23:23) glerm: um troço super complexo (14:23:27) glerm: cheio de arcanos Oráculo do Momento - Octávio Camargoleia mais >>

Oraculismo, de novo

Pois então. Dei um tapa no texto que tinha publicado aqui anteontem e mandei ver. É pra uma comission do Rhizome pro ano que vem. Se você conhecer algum usuário de lá, fale pra votar em mim. Se gostar, claro. Texto abaixo, pra quem não é cadastrado no site:

Project Description

Oraculismo is an ongoing project that means to rise some critical issues related to information access and social dynamics, as well as pointing to analogies between magic learning and technologic learning. It brings a critical perspective about the ubiquity of internet access via wireless networks in the urban context. Oraculismo intends to create wireless installations that are freely replicable, in order to create local experiences that can either be understood as gaming, learning or information access environments. One of its methods is going further in the idea of de-mistifying technology, by attempting to create new myths that include the ideas of dynamic, social and collective exchange of information.

The public face of Oraculismo will consist of open wireless (wi-fi, 802.11x) networks that behave as shamanic totems or oracles, interacting with visitors and offering negotiated information. These totems will be able to interact with people through different online tools, such as a chatterbot that, depending on the dialog, may point to a local network URL that can be accessed only once. Secrets, keywords, incremental stages for gaining access are elements to play with. Oraculismo will run on free software and will look into alternatives for autonomous power supply.leia mais >>


Mandei isso hoje pra uma chamada, mas ainda tá bem tosco. Nos próximos tempos quero refinar a proposta.
Wireless networks are usually regarded as connectivity environments, a way for people to reach information not available locally. If in one hand that brings clear benefits - information can be accessed from virtually anywhere -, on the other hand people often loose the sense of local. The goal of Oraculismo is to bring back the importance of ritualized, local and acquired access to information, by creating data-filled,  local wireless networks. Riddles, secrets and magic analogies are its tools.
Project description
Oraculismo is an ongoing project that means to rise some critical issues related to information access and social dynamics, as well as pointing to analogies between magic and technologic learning. It brings a critical perspective about the ubiquity of internet access via wireless networks in the urban context. Oraculismo intends to create installations that are freely replicable, in order to create local experiences that can either be understood as games, learning or information access. The public face of Oraculismo will consist of open wireless (wi-fi, 802.11x) networks that behave as shamanic totems or oracles, interacting with visitors and offering negotiated information. These totems will be able to interact with people through different online tools, such as a chatterbot that, depending on the dialog, may point to a local network URL that can be accessed only once. Secrets, keywords, incremental stages for gaining access are elements to play with. Oraculismo will run on free software and will look into alternatives for autonomous power supply.

New age ou vida louca? Nenhuma das duas

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--- Eduf no Magaiver: Vim para o Khadro Ling também por causa da tecnologia. No caso, uma tecnologia de treinamento da mente, que existe há mais de 3 mil anos e foi ensinada pelo Buda Shakiamuni. Ela serve para revelar a natureza da mente. De certa forma, como os sistemas operacionais servem para lidar com o hardware. A [...]leia mais >>


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--- Nada de novidade, só registrando uma analogia bem óbvia… videoconferência com webcam é a universalização do Palantír: A palantír (sometimes translated as Seeing Stone but actually meaning “Farsighted” or “One that Sees from Afar”) is a stone that functions somewhat like a crystal ball. When one looks in it, one can communicate with other Stones and [...]leia mais >>

O Mito de Origem

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--- novaes, no ‘dizobbedience … > » O Mito de Origem entende-se aqui a extensão do indivíduo nos mitos que partilha, onde ele e seu tótem são uma coisa só, indistinta. Essa contribuição ao entendimento nada atomizado do indíviduo participa de uma visão política que combate não só a falsa meritocracia liberal, bem como chama atenção para [...]leia mais >>

A incrível máquina de fazer moedas

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--- Glerm mandou na lista metarec: Estúdio Livre : MaquinaDeMoedas O pastor fala nos cultos que o real é a moeda do capeta. O dólar então é o maior dos planos de Satanás. Explica aquela minha argumentação tosca sobre a bomba atômica citando o apocalipse. Ele diz que a única moeda, a moeda que o Senhor aprova [...]leia mais >>

Mito do Mago

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--- Mais uns pedaços da versão em espanhol do Mito do Mago que saquei da biblioteca: p. 200: “[Fray] Bacon (…) no estaba completamente seguro de que los hechizos y encantamientos carecieran de todo poder, pues era consciente del poder de las palabras. ‘Todos los milagros, casi desde el principio del mundo, han sido producto de las palabras’, [...]leia mais >>

The Principia Discordia

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--- The Principia Discordia THE PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA or, How I Found the Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her THE MAGNUM OPIATE OF MALACLYPSE THE YOUNGER Wherein Is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Absolutely Anything PS também em português, aqui: http://www.fnords.blogger.com.br/leia mais >>