
Twisting localities

In less than two months, if everything goes fine, I'll be moving to Dresden, east Germany, a city very close both to Berlin and Prague. In the plans, less meetings and responsibilities, more reading (probably paying excess weight for all the books I haven't read in the last three years, and there are also the PDFs). Maybe writing a little bit. Learning german, 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. I have applied for a "studying candidate" Visa, that should last for three years. Yes, coming back to studies is the plan.


* 18/04/2007: Meu PC e eu, um relacionamento íntimo * 11/04/2007, 21h00 Entrevista à BBC Radio 4: Open Source
Paul Bennun finds out how Free and Open Source software is making its impact felt across the world, fuelling development and saving small businesses millions of pounds.

Recomeçando de novo, outra vez

Época de ficar quieto no canto, lendo e pensando. Quando der escrevendo. Será que tô tão errado assim?


Contando a história da minha vida, wiki-style