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A Facto Id�ias Revolucion�rias foi reativada. Vamos chinelear esse mercadinho.

O fim do coletivo

N�o sei exatamente porque, mas inclu� um texto do Marcelo Tr�sel nos artigos do Joelhasso e n�o comentei aqui. Antes que perguntem, o texto foi escrito e inserido no joelhasso antes do atentado de 11 de setembro. Leiam.

A Democracia na Polis

(...) o tamanho da polis permitia a um membro apelar para todos os seus concidad�os em pessoa, o que ele faria, com certeza, se pensasse que outro membro da polis o tinha ofendido. H. D. F. Kitto, Os Gregos, 1980

Network de Egotrips

Papo do Hernani Dimantas com o Marcelo Estraviz: "na internet podemos desenvolver os projetos atrav�s do coletivo de individualidades. Ou seja, o network de egotrips."

Izquierdo na guerra de Independencia Espa�ola

O Google � engra�ado...

(...) con el brazo izquierdo atravesado de un balazo hac�a poco hab�a conseguido librarse de la horrible prisi�n del mont�n de cad�veres en que privado de sentido cayera sabe Dios cu�ntas horas hac�a, hubiera dado gracias al cielo, si es que aquellos descre�dos gabachos sab�an hacer otra cosa que jurar como condenados.

Interviewing Chomsky

"This is a novel event in world history, not because of the scale of the atrocity, but because of the target"

Conex�o Israel?

David Stern, an expert on Israeli intelligence operations (like Mossad) has claimed that this attack was too sophisticated for a lone terrorist group to execute. Stern was basing his claim on a US military source that has revealed details of an internal memo that point to the Israeli Mossad intelligence having links to the terror attack on America.

Anti-globalists search soul after US attack

Following the attacks, a chilling slogan was sprayed on the walls of a Genoa building, flanked by a red star, the signature of extreme anti-globalisation groups.
It read: "Fly Osama Airlines".

NoLogo | consumer branding

posted by nobody on Tuesday September 18, @04:00AM

jamjams00 writes "Fashion as a whole, seems to rely on brands for the success of a firms product. This is particularly evident through the marketing devices used to promote clothing and footwear, including television adverts which predominanty sell us a lifestyle asociated with their product. However, more and more fashion as a whole is drifting into a 'logoless' utopia, as more brands are opting to focus on understated designs where the product is the focus of attention. Take Prada, Gucci, Donna Karan, Yves Saint Laurent, and even Tommy Hilfiger (who are renowned for their in-your-face advertising) for example. You would be hard pushed to find even a discreet logo the size of a fingernail on this seasons collections. Does this mean an end to our obsession with becoming walking taking mini billboards?"

Bem, n�o foi dessa vez. Agora, sei l�. Quem sabe?