futuros imaginários

Outros futuros

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Última página do Futuros Imaginários de Richard Barbrook. Buscando superar os futuros imaginários forjados durante a Guerra Fria do fim do milênio passado...leia mais >>

Sleep dealer

Tô querendo muito assistir a esse Sleep Dealer.  Mais do que o filme em si, tô gostando das conversas com o diretor, Alex Rivera. Boa entrevista aqui, que tem a ver com futuros imaginários e com uma conversa que o William Gibson tava levando no twitter, elogiando a 'atemporalidade' e questionando as pessoas que tentam sempre estar in.

But, you know, a lot of times we use the word "futuristic" to describe things that are kind of explosions of capital, like skyscrapers or futuristic cities. We do not think of a cornfield as futuristic, even though that has as much to do with the future as does the shimmering skyscraper.

MARK ENGLER: In what sense?

ALEX RIVERA: In the sense that we all need to eat. In the sense that the ancient cornfields in Oaxaca are the places that replenish the genetic supply of corn that feeds the world. Those fields are the future of the food supply. 

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