postando via browser, porque o bloggar n�o t� me reconhecendo... user authentication failure.

cabei de ler que o estraviz p�ra de fumar dia 21. pozeu parei ontem, onzemeia danoite. at� agora sem seq�elas.

lendo de novo o primeiro cap�tulo do cluetrain. dispon�vel no gonzomarkets.

"Workers must become fully empowered and self-directed. Scary. Suppliers must become trusted allies in developing new products and business strategies. Scarier still. Markets must come to have faces and personalities in place of statistical profiles. Flat-out panic!"

"Conversations are where intellectual capital gets generated."

"Imagine for a moment: millions of people sitting in their shuttered homes at night, bathed in that ghostly blue television aura. They're passive, yeah, but more than that: they're isolated from each other. Now imagine another magic wire strung from house to house, hooking all these poor bastards up. They're still watching the same old crap. Then, during the touching love scene, some joker lobs an off-color aside - and everybody hears it. Whoa! What was that? People are rolling on the floor laughing. And it begins to happen so often, it gets abbreviated: ROTFL. The audience is suddenly connected to itself. What was once The Show, the hypnotic focus and tee-vee advertising carrier wave, becomes in the context of the Internet a sort of reverse new-media McGuffin - an excuse to get together rather than an excuse not to. "

"the Internet attracted millions. Many millions. The interesting question to ask is why. In the early 1990s, there was nothing like the Internet we take for granted today. Back then, the Net was primitive, daunting, uninviting. So what did we come for? And the answer is: each other. The Internet became a place where people could talk to other people without constraint. Without filters or censorship or official sanction - and perhaps most significantly, without advertising."


detroit auto dealers association

mais dad� imposs�vel

"O Fim do feudo digital: termina a idade m�dia Interativa"

� impressionante como os publiciot�rios s�o imbecis. Esse Alon Sochaczewski, s�cio da EuroRSCG Interactive, n�o sabe do que est� falando. C�s lembram das declara��es do S�gu�la, ou sei l� como se escreve, sobre as campanhas da Benetton? Pois �, ele � o "S" da RSCG.. Vejam s�:
"Hoje estamos entrando na Idade Moderna. Cresceu a oferta de servi�os, desde fotografia digital, passando por programa��o e at� design para a Internet.
Come�amos a entrar em um mercado mais racional e profissional, mas h� muitos paradigmas lan�ados nos prematuros anos de Internet que precisam ser quebrados - principalmente no lado do cliente."
leia mais >>

kaosmos. mundo maluco-ordenado. padr�es incompreens�veis.

e ainda por cima t� muito quente.

mais est�tica na seq��ncia.

Pedro Doria, no pal�ndromo:
>"V�deo-games n�o influenciam crian�as. Quer dizer, se o Pac-man tivesse influenciando a nossa gera��o, estar�amos todos correndo em salas escuras, mastigando p�lulas m�gicas e escutando m�sicas eletr�nicas repetitivas."
>Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.
>Poucos anos depois surgiriam a m�sica techno e o ecstasy...

dia que come�a merda termina atolado

que maravilha

na cultura, nologo, original, est� mais barato do que o sem logo, traduzido. j� pedi o meu.