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Link: Cubieboard - linux-sunxi: http://t.co/4dsUaWEz

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Laboratórios do pós-digital (english edition)

English abstracts for my book Laboratórios do Pós-digital. The original book in portuguese can be downloaded (EPUB, HTML, PDF for screen, printable PDF), bought in Kindle Store or accessed here.


In this book I present articles related to my research into formats and methodologies that will allow experimentation with everything operating in the intersection of free (open) digital networks and everyday life. I am also interested in possibilities based upon expanding the idea of innovation. Usually innovation is related to merely instrumental objectives, ways to create opportunities for commercial exploration. I suggest there is a huge potential in fostering the development of innovation also as a driver for social change, starting from a dialogue between the commons - open and networked production - and what could be called post-digital - the internet of things, physic computing, domestic fabrication, locative media and the like. There is still another line crossing these references: incorporating and valuing typically brasilian cultural traces such as the gambiarra as everyday creativity and the mutirão as dynamic and change-oriented sociability.leia mais >>

Link: Popcorn.js | The HTML5 Media Framework: /via @glerm http://t.co/ulmoeCBp

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Link: Welcome - Fritzing: /via @glerm http://t.co/1oPLinUa

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G+: Busão Hacker invadindo o Centro Cultural Vergueiro... http://t.co/uJ3wurwd

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