felipefonseca's blog

fora do ar de novo.... assim que puder, vou pagar a hospedagem dessa merda...

tá no ar a apresentação do hipercortex. falaí o que tu acha.


Vídeos do Economist Debate da London Business School sobre Branding.

mission statements invariably take up a full page and are framed and hung
behind the reception desk. Nobody in the company can tell you succinctly
what it says. What a waste of time.

Brandon Wilcox


V�deos do Economist Debate da London Business School sobre Branding.

mission statements invariably take up a full page and are framed and hung
behind the reception desk. Nobody in the company can tell you succinctly
what it says. What a waste of time.

Brandon Wilcox

taí, anteriores. obrigado pela ajuda, vocês.

Ah, quer saber? Foda-se. Desisti dos comments. Quem quiser falar comigo, manda e-mail. Quem usa webmail, anotaí: izquierdo@joelhasso.f2s.com.Copia e cola, sei lá.

ta�, anteriores. obrigado pela ajuda, voc�s.