felipefonseca's blog

Algu�m mandou pro eduf

27/11 - 16h19
Cidade do Piau� ter� 'Dia do Orgasmo'

Do Di�rio OnLine

A C�mara Municipal de Esperantina, no Piau�, aprovou um projeto inusitado na semana passada. A cidade ter� o "Dia do Orgasmo" em 9 de maio, quando os 35 mil moradores dever�o dedicar o dia se empenhando para atingir a satisfa��o sexual.
O autor do projeto, o vereador Arimat�ia Dantas, disse que a data foi criada ap�s uma pesquisa que mostra que apenas 28% das mulheres da regi�o chegavam ao orgasmo. Segundo Dantas, a celebra��o tem como objetivo estimular a procura pelo prazer e melhorar o relacionamento dos casais.

O prefeito de Esperantina, Jos� Inaldo Franco, tentou barrar o projeto, mas n�o teve sucesso. "Estou envergonhado deste projeto pornogr�fico", disse, segundo o portal Ananova.

Do Small Pieces Lossely Joined, de David Weiberger
The Web (...) breaks the traditional publishing model. The old model is about control: a team works on a document, is responsible for its content and format, and releases it to the public when it’s been certified as done. Once it’s published, no one can change it except the original publisher. The Web ditches that model, with all its advantages as well as its drawbacks, and says instead, “You have something to say? Say it. You want to respond to something that’s been said? Say it and link to it. You think something is interesting? Link to it from your home page. And you never have to ask anyone’s permission.” Then it adds: “And how long will it take to do this? I dunno. How fast do you type?” By removing the central control points, the Web enabled a self-organizing, self-stimulated growth of contents and links on a scale the world has literally never before experienced.

The result is a loose federation of documents — many small pieces loosely joined. But in what has turned out to be simply the first cultural artifact and institution the Web has subtly subverted, the interior structure of documents has changed, not just the way they are connected to one another. The Web has blown documents apart. It treats tightly bound volumes like a collection of ideas — none longer than can fit on a single screen — that the reader can consult in the order she or he wants, regardless of the author’s intentions. It makes links beyond the document’s covers an integral part of every document. What once was literally a tightly-bound entity has been ripped into pieces and thrown into the air.

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Sampa por MarioAV

"Não apareceu, desde Bakunin, nada tão anárquico em sua essência quanto a Internet. Quando já parecia que ela estava destinada a virar uma outra TV com mais propaganda, surgiram oportunidades para pessoas comuns manterem sites próprios e discutirem qualquer assunto na Rede, de forma livre e igualitária." No Mário AV, sob o título Anarquismo e Blogs.

purra, se eu tivesse registrado esse domínio, faria um site exatamente igual. Mas eles têm um blog escondido lá, com uma penca de fotos cool.

Do Small Pieces Lossely Joined, de David Weiberger
The Web (...) breaks the traditional publishing model. The old model is about control: a team works on a document, is responsible for its content and format, and releases it to the public when it�s been certified as done. Once it�s published, no one can change it except the original publisher. The Web ditches that model, with all its advantages as well as its drawbacks, and says instead, �You have something to say? Say it. You want to respond to something that�s been said? Say it and link to it. You think something is interesting? Link to it from your home page. And you never have to ask anyone�s permission.� Then it adds: �And how long will it take to do this? I dunno. How fast do you type?� By removing the central control points, the Web enabled a self-organizing, self-stimulated growth of contents and links on a scale the world has literally never before experienced.

The result is a loose federation of documents � many small pieces loosely joined. But in what has turned out to be simply the first cultural artifact and institution the Web has subtly subverted, the interior structure of documents has changed, not just the way they are connected to one another. The Web has blown documents apart. It treats tightly bound volumes like a collection of ideas � none longer than can fit on a single screen � that the reader can consult in the order she or he wants, regardless of the author�s intentions. It makes links beyond the document�s covers an integral part of every document. What once was literally a tightly-bound entity has been ripped into pieces and thrown into the air.

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Pra quem tá falando de hyperlinks e sinapses, ó o Levy:

"A sociedade de informação é uma mentira. Deu-se a entender que, após haver se centrado na agricultura, depois na indústria (as transformações da matéria), a economia seria dirigida agora pelo tratamento da informação. Mas, como descobrem, à própsira custa, inúmeros empregados e executivos, nada se automatiza tão bem e tão rápido quanto o tratamento ou a transmissão da informação. O que resta quando se macanizaou a agricultura, a indústria e as operações que giram em torno das mensagens? A economia girará - como já o faz - em torno do que jamais se automatizará completamente, em torno do irredutível: a produção do laço social, o 'relacional'." Pierre Levy, a Inteligência Coletiva