


Felipe Fonseca is a brasilian media activist and researcher working with technological appropriation, low tech experimentation, free (livre) and open source multimedia software, open licensing and online collaboration.

Felipe is an articulator of projects such as MetaReciclagem, an emergent brasilian movement that gather people and projects related to the deconstruction of information technologies; DesCentro, a de-centralized research organisation; and Bricolabs, an international network of experimental labs.

Felipe has acted also as a consultant for the brasilian Ministry of Culture in the Cultura Digital project, that brought critical ICT use for more than 600 cultural centers throughout Brasilian territory. Worked also with weblab, building collaborative online networks and developing projects such as Lixo Eletrônico, a weblog about e-waste, and Mutirão da Gambiarra, a series of publications about the MetaReciclagem network.

He is currently working with the Brasilian Ministry of Culture articulating a collaborative strategy for experimental labs called Redelabs.


* 18/04/2007: Meu PC e eu, um relacionamento íntimo * 11/04/2007, 21h00 Entrevista à BBC Radio 4: Open Source
Paul Bennun finds out how Free and Open Source software is making its impact felt across the world, fuelling development and saving small businesses millions of pounds.


EuAtenção - este currículo está desatualizado. A versão mais atual é a do Lattes.

Felipe Fonseca é pesquisador e articulador de projetos relacionados a redes de produção colaborativa e livre, mídia independente, software livre e apropriação crítica de tecnologia.

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Contando a história da minha vida, wiki-style