Teams vs. Individuals

Só agora estou lendo o JOHO de 31 de dezembro.

There's always been a contradiction of an Hegelian sort (oy, what's with me this week!) between the value of individuals with strong beliefs and the need to be flexible enough to subordinate one's beliefs for the sake of the team. Passion versus teamwork. Commitment versus compromise.
Individualism versus collaboration.

This tension is overcome in a suitably Hegelian way by the Web's transformation of teams. In a typical hierarchical structure, teams are organized from the top down. Members are chosen not only for their personal qualities but because various groups need representation. In a webby world -- a "hyperlinked organization", if you will -- teams are self-organizing. People form a team by pulling together the people they respect and like to work with, the org chart be damned.

Leiam o resto lá.