MMM - Bricowiki

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MMM é um primeiro rascunho para projetos de itinerância. Tem umas referências e idéias guardadas por lá.

An experiment on mobility, media and people. An used, big, car, with loads of embedded open-source multimedia technology, travelling around a) Europe b) Brazilian North-east. Hackers & Circus Crews & Gipsies & Artists, on the road. Unlike the mediocre sociability of european families that have motorhomes and trailers to bring private life abroad, we want to explore social, public uses for that kind of vehicle. Freak circus arrives and opens and suddenly the circus is not what is used to be in the last city. Create live (living, organic, symbolic, conflituous, dynamic) links between people and spaces and ideas in different places. We don’t propose residencies, but itinerancies. The car is built and hacked and transformed in each different destination. Humanity is movement. Migrations. Exchange.