Web 3.0

Mandei uma descrição do que pretendo falar no transmediale. Very tosco, mas vqv. Depois eu mudo umas coisinhas.

Keeping the web public is not for all. The majority of people will be attracted
by low-friction voyeuristic crowdsourcing initiatives, but still there are those
who are interested in becoming autonomous actors of the internets. With the
goal of identifying those people with the potential to appropriate technology
in a deeper sense, and giving them the ability to learn and develop their ideas,
a series of projects and actions in Brazil have been adopting a de-constructive
approach and developing free and open technologies that have autonomy as
their main principle.

About me:

Felipe Fonseca is a brazilian independent researcher in the fields of technological
appropriation, free culture and multimedia production. He has been an advisor
for the brazilian Pontos de Cultura project, that has created hundreds of multimedia
centers based on free and open source technology. Felipe is a member of the
consulting board of DesCentro.org, of the international network Bricolabs.net
and one of the founders of MetaReciclagem.org in Brazil.

Atualizando: na real, como a apresentação é no último dia, é claro que eu vou mudar de idéia uma dezena de vezes sobre o que e como falar. Se for repetir o meu comportamento de sempre, só vou saber o que quero falar na madrugada anterior ao dia da apresentação, e vou dormir mal por causa disso.