
Mandei isso hoje pra uma chamada, mas ainda tá bem tosco. Nos próximos tempos quero refinar a proposta.
Wireless networks are usually regarded as connectivity environments, a way for people to reach information not available locally. If in one hand that brings clear benefits - information can be accessed from virtually anywhere -, on the other hand people often loose the sense of local. The goal of Oraculismo is to bring back the importance of ritualized, local and acquired access to information, by creating data-filled,  local wireless networks. Riddles, secrets and magic analogies are its tools.
Project description
Oraculismo is an ongoing project that means to rise some critical issues related to information access and social dynamics, as well as pointing to analogies between magic and technologic learning. It brings a critical perspective about the ubiquity of internet access via wireless networks in the urban context. Oraculismo intends to create installations that are freely replicable, in order to create local experiences that can either be understood as games, learning or information access. The public face of Oraculismo will consist of open wireless (wi-fi, 802.11x) networks that behave as shamanic totems or oracles, interacting with visitors and offering negotiated information. These totems will be able to interact with people through different online tools, such as a chatterbot that, depending on the dialog, may point to a local network URL that can be accessed only once. Secrets, keywords, incremental stages for gaining access are elements to play with. Oraculismo will run on free software and will look into alternatives for autonomous power supply.