felipefonseca's blog


Esse é o novo cabeça do gobiernoletronico de sampa. Aprendi a não acreditar no google, então ainda não falo mal.

Deu na Táime

TIME Person of the Year 2004: 10 Things We Learned About Blogs
Radio had its golden age in the 1930s. In the 1950s, it was television's turn. Historians may well date the golden age of the blog from 2004%u2014when Merriam-Webster.com's most searched-for definition was blog. How long can it last? Who knows? Here's what we discovered about the new medium this year
Raso, mas significativo...

Wordpress atualizado

1.2.2 rodando ok

Nostalgias breves

Isso é um log com imenso valor histórico e sentimental.