felipefonseca's blog


Mat�ria de Sergio D'�vila

(...) Reeves � especialmente interessado nos presidentes norte-americanos. Acha George W. Bush o mais burro deles, de longe. Disse que a Casa Branca deve ter virado uma verdadeira Escolinha do Professor Raimundo desde que come�ou a Guerra do Afeganist�o, com assessores explicando "N�o, presidente, n�s estamos contra o Afeganist�o e o Paquist�o � o nosso amigo" e coisas assim.(...)

Buy Nothing Day


Apesar de eu não ter gostado do nome, um tanto quanto agressivo, vou recomendar o Martelada, blog do Träsel. Demorou, hein? Algumas horas depois que eu te falei. Não foi nada...

Leiam também o artigo dele aqui no Joelhasso.

Buy Nothing Day

Dica do Tipuri, que viu no Tom-B, ...

Shopping is going to save us. Shop for your family. Shop for your country. Shop for your security.

Let's think about that for a second. If each of us must shop at a fevered pitch every day just to keep our economy moving, how secure are we, really?

Consumption is being cast as "fighting the good fight," but for many of us that rings a little hollow. Yes. It's time to grieve, it's time to reflect. But it's certainly *not* time to stifle discussion and reverse progress on what, though it has been bumped from the news agenda, remains the world's biggest long-term problem: the unsustainable consumer binge of Western nations. In fact, now may be the time to take the sustainable consumption debate to a new plane.

Family, friends, freedom: these are things money can't buy. And at heart, that's the point of Buy Nothing Day.
Celebrate with us this November 23rd.

Buy Nothing Day


Apesar de eu n�o ter gostado do nome, um tanto quanto agressivo, vou recomendar o Martelada, blog do Tr�sel. Demorou, hein? Algumas horas depois que eu te falei. N�o foi nada...

Leiam tamb�m o artigo dele aqui no Joelhasso.


Olha que lindinho, na lista do Cluetrain:

"Izquidero Horrible or whatever your name is, you are invited to go fuck yourself. There is no moral equivalent whatsoever to any of the absolute bullshit that you mentioned in your last post.

Go fuck yourself Horrible. Really. FUCK YOU.

As for cluetrain - go ahead and remove me from this list."

Buy Nothing Day

Dica do Tipuri, que viu no Tom-B, ...

Shopping is going to save us. Shop for your family. Shop for your country. Shop for your security.

Let's think about that for a second. If each of us must shop at a fevered pitch every day just to keep our economy moving, how secure are we, really?

Consumption is being cast as "fighting the good fight," but for many of us that rings a little hollow. Yes. It's time to grieve, it's time to reflect. But it's certainly *not* time to stifle discussion and reverse progress on what, though it has been bumped from the news agenda, remains the world's biggest long-term problem: the unsustainable consumer binge of Western nations. In fact, now may be the time to take the sustainable consumption debate to a new plane.

Family, friends, freedom: these are things money can't buy. And at heart, that's the point of Buy Nothing Day.
Celebrate with us this November 23rd.


Olha que lindinho, na lista do Cluetrain:

"Izquidero Horrible or whatever your name is, you are invited to go fuck yourself. There is no moral equivalent whatsoever to any of the absolute bullshit that you mentioned in your last post.

Go fuck yourself Horrible. Really. FUCK YOU.

As for cluetrain - go ahead and remove me from this list."

Echelon Jam Day

Direto da Cora

, que pegou do Cat

Echelon Jam: é HOJE!

"Eu ia comentar este assunto, mas o Cat, que é o teclado mais rápido do Oeste, saiu na minha frente -- e, como sempre, mandou muito bem:

O dia 21 de outubro foi escolhido como dia internacional para congestionamento do
, um sistema que até há poucos anos era considerado secreto e cuja função era, ou ainda é, interceptar todas as comunicações eletromagnéticas do planeta, incluindo rádio, TV, pager, telefone, celular, email, satélite, microonda, telex e cabo submarino. Os grupos ativistas pró-privacidade obviamente lutam ferozmente contra a existência do Echelon e, uma vez que o sistema se baseia na filtragem de palavras-chave, tiveram a idéia de anualmente congestioná-lo com milhões de emails contendo palavras as mais cabeludas possíveis, daquelas que certamente chamariam a atenção de um programa de grande porte para detecção e captura de informações suspeitas.leia mais >>