Da Obsolescência Programada, no blog de Lucas Bambozzi (grifo meu):
The images of this act comprise footage showing the systematic destruction (with a hammer) of a series of technological items, most of them obsolete or nearing obsolescence — media such as floppy disks, VHS tapes, wireless telephones, printer cartridges, cell phones, computer keyboards, printers, light bulbs, and others. All of them are broken to pieces and produce a strong and typical sound of the material they are made of. It may be the desire of many to be on stage holding the hammer seeking to achieve a catharsis, a little revenge owing to the fact that people consume so many technological devices that will not be around for long in their lives.
Enquanto isso, chega pelo Lixo Eletônico o anúncio de quem em outubro vai rolar em Foz do Iguaçu o torneio sul-americano de arremesso de celular.