efeefe - prototyping http://efeefe.no-ip.org/taxonomy/term/493/0 pt-br Magic Box http://efeefe.no-ip.org/agregando/magic-box <div class=fonte_feed> <em>Este post foi agregado por RSS. Link original:<br> <a href=></a></em></div> --- No site do Smartlab: The MAGICbox workshop is a SMARTlab research and development centre located in the MAGIC room. MAGICbox enables fabrication of computer-generated models, with the goal of developing accessible systems for desktop manufacturing, peer production and digital materialization. We are interested in the application of this technology to disadvantaged population groups. [...]<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=tecnomagxs.wordpress.com&amp;blog=4364306&amp;post=139&amp;subd=tecnomagxs&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" /> english magicbox prototyping tecnomagia Uncategorized Fri, 12 Jun 2009 17:48:52 +0000 felipefonseca 4806 at http://efeefe.no-ip.org