efeefe - laboratórios do pós-digital http://efeefe.no-ip.org/taxonomy/term/918/0 pt-br Laboratórios do pós-digital (english edition) http://efeefe.no-ip.org/book/lpd <p>English abstracts for my book <a href="/livro/laboratorios-pos-digital" rel="nofollow">Laborat&oacute;rios do P&oacute;s-digital</a>. The original book in portuguese can be downloaded (<a href="/sites/efeefe.no-ip.org/files/lpd.epub" rel="nofollow">EPUB</a>, <a href="/book/export/html/10711" rel="nofollow">HTML</a>, <a href="/sites/efeefe.no-ip.org/files/lpd_tela.pdf" rel="nofollow">PDF for screen</a>, <a href="/sites/efeefe.no-ip.org/files/lpd_print.pdf" rel="nofollow">printable PDF</a>), bought in <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Laborat%C3%B3rios-do-P%C3%B3s-digital-Portuguese-ebook/dp/B007387MMG/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1328055957&amp;sr=8-5" rel="nofollow">Kindle Store</a> or accessed <a href="/livro/lpd/intro" rel="nofollow">here</a>.</p> <h2> Intro</h2> <p>In this book I present articles related to my research into formats and methodologies that will allow experimentation with everything operating in the intersection of free (open) digital networks and everyday life. I am also interested in possibilities based upon expanding the idea of innovation. Usually innovation is related to merely instrumental objectives, ways to create opportunities for commercial exploration. I suggest there is a huge potential in fostering the development of innovation also as a driver for social change, starting from a dialogue between the commons - open and networked production - and what could be called post-digital - the internet of things, physic computing, domestic fabrication, locative media and the like. There is still another line crossing these references: incorporating and valuing typically brasilian cultural traces such as the <em>gambiarra</em> as everyday creativity and the <em>mutir&atilde;o</em> as dynamic and change-oriented sociability.</p> <h2> Cyberpunk on flip-flops</h2> <p>Written in 2009, this short article (also included in the Pa&ccedil;o das Artes&#39; Contemporary Arts Symposium that year) was a first attempt to relate fields that seemingly ran in parallel by that time in Brazil - on one hand the sort of activism concerned with the appropriation of information technologies, free/open knowledge, the critical use of available equipment hand, and on the other new media / electronic arts and its implications.</p> <h2> Rede//Labs - brazilian paths for experimental digital culture</h2> <p>During the second half of 2010, I was working in a project with the brazilian Ministry of Culture - by then still a big supporter of free and open culture - trying to understand what kind of policies would be useful in order to foster the development of &quot;experimental digital culture&quot;*. This article poses some issues about the brazilian context, previous experiences both local and abroad, and poses questions about how we should proceed in order to go beyond the &#39;media lab&#39; models.</p> <h2> Metarecycling digital cities</h2> <p>MetaReciclando as Cidades Digitais was written in august 2012, following a talk on &quot;digital cities&quot;.</p> <h2> Innovation and free (libre) technologies 1 - the past decade and 2 - todays and afterwards</h2> <p>Twofold article situating the status of free-open digital activism in Brasil during the last decade, and posing questions for the coming years in light of recent political changes.</p> <h2> Experimental laboratories: network-street interface</h2> <p>An attempt to expand the reflection on experimental labs exploring their potential role within urban issues.</p> <h2> Digital cities, the grammar of control and free protocols</h2> <p>How the bias towards a proprietary way to deal with information can have a negative influence in &quot;digital city&quot; projects.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="QRCode" src="http://qr.kaywa.com/?s=8&amp;d=http%3A%2F%2Fefeefe.no-ip.org%2Fbook%2Flpd" /></p> <p>* For those interested in the project with the Ministry of Culture: by the end of 2010 we had a specification of multiple-purpose labs and of ways to engage artists and researchers into using them. We also had an indication of a rather large budget the Ministry would offer to set up such labs, and an open call for projects already written. Unfortunately, 2011 started with a new Minister of Culture who decided all those ideas of &#39;open&#39; and &#39;experimental&#39; are crap, and that the government should push instead an agenda of &#39;creative economy&#39; in which cultural production should prove itself profitable. The project stalled since then. There are signs that the recently appointed (september 2012) new Minister could make things move again. I&#39;m still waiting.</p> laboratórios do pós-digital livro metareciclagem pós-digital redelabs Wed, 05 Sep 2012 19:48:46 +0000 felipefonseca 12800 at http://efeefe.no-ip.org Jabá: livro com desconto! http://efeefe.no-ip.org/blog/jaba-livro-com-desconto <p>E o Clube de Autores, site-editora-virtual onde lancei meu livro, est&aacute; de novo em &eacute;poca de descontos. S&oacute; essa semana, a vers&atilde;o impressa do meu livro est&aacute; <a href="https://clubedeautores.com.br/book/44422--Laboratorios_do_PosDigital" rel="nofollow">custando pouco mais de 22 pilas</a>. Quem comprar a partir de 11 c&oacute;pias ao mesmo tempo (pra sua escola, amigxs, inimigxs) tem descontos. Vai l&aacute;, <a href="https://clubedeautores.com.br/book/44422--Laboratorios_do_PosDigital" rel="nofollow">encomenda logo</a>!</p> <p>(naturalmente, pra quem n&atilde;o tem reais a compartilhar, o livro continua dispon&iacute;vel para download e acesso em m&uacute;ltiplos formatos, <a href="http://efeefe.no-ip.org/livro/laboratorios-pos-digital" rel="nofollow">aqui</a>)</p> clubedeautores laboratórios do pós-digital livro Wed, 05 Sep 2012 02:23:28 +0000 felipefonseca 12795 at http://efeefe.no-ip.org Acelerando http://efeefe.no-ip.org/agregando/acelerando <div class=fonte_feed> <em>Este post foi agregado por RSS. Link original:<br> <a href=></a></em></div> --- <p>Além das experiências continuadas com mapeamento - rolês de bicicleta para coletar traçados com o GPS, edição e publicação de mapas para o <a href="http://openstreetmap.org" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow">OpenStreetMap</a>, e a montagem do site <a href="http://mapas.ubalab.org" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow">mapas.ubalab</a> que vai receber camadas de conteúdo georreferenciado -, tem mais um monte de coisas acontecendo por esses dias. Anotando aqui para tentar manter a documentação em dia, apesar das maratonas.</p> <p>Semana passada participei em Sâo Paulo do <a href="http://forumdainternet.cgi.br/" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow">Fórum da Internet</a>, organizado pelo CGI. Evento importante, promovendo o contato direto entre atores que em geral não se encontram. Foi bom também para rever um monte de gente. Na sequência, fizemos um encontrinho da <a href="http://rede.metareciclagem.org" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow">MetaReciclagem</a> no SESC VIla Mariana (onde estamos participando da exposição <a href="http://desvio.cc/blog/pedacos-da-terra" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow">Pedaços da Terra</a>), mesmo com a pesada chuva que escorria pelas bordas de São Paulo no sábado.</p> <p>Esta semana vou a Fortaleza como convidado da Conferência Municipal de Cultura de lá (eles estão na quarta edição!). Vou falar sobre "Cultura e Comunicação". No mês que vem quero também tentar participar do Pré-forum de Cultura Digital que deve acontecer junto ao <a href="http://www.contato.ufscar.br" rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow">Festival Contato</a>, em São Carlos - outra cidade cujo Conselho Municipal de Cultura tem trabalhado bastante.</p><p><a href="http://ubalab.org/blog/acelerando" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">leia mais</a></p> blogs conselho municipal de cultura contato culturadigitalbr documentando feeds fortaleza forumcgi forumdainternet laboratórios do pós-digital livro lpd mapas metareciclagem mutgamb openstreetmap projetos sampa são carlos são paulo sescvm trip ubalab ubatuba Tue, 25 Oct 2011 02:25:07 +0000 felipefonseca 11616 at http://efeefe.no-ip.org