efeefe - edge.org http://efeefe.no-ip.org/taxonomy/term/1071/0 pt-br The Coming Fight Between Engineers And Druids http://efeefe.no-ip.org/agregando/coming-fight-between-engineers-and-druids <div class=fonte_feed> <em>Este post foi agregado por RSS. Link original:<br> <a href=></a></em></div> --- <p>Paul Saffo, na <a title="Edge.org" href="http://edge.org/responses/q2013" rel="nofollow">conversa anual do Edge.org</a>:</p> <blockquote><p>There are two kinds of fools: one who says this is old and therefore good, and the other who says this is new and therefore better. The argument between the two is as old as humanity itself, but technology’s relentless exponential advance has made the divide deeper and more contentious than ever. My greatest fear is that this divide will frustrate the sensible application of technological innovation in the service of solving humankind’s greatest challenges.</p> <p>The two camps forming this divide need a name, and “Druids” and “Engineers” will do. Druids argue that we must slow down and reverse the damage and disruption wrought by two centuries of industrialization. “Engineers” advocate the opposite: we can overcome our current problems only with the heroic application of technological innovation. Druids argue for a return to the past, Engineers urge us to flee into the future.</p></blockquote> <p>via <a href="http://edge.org/responses/q2013" rel="nofollow">Edge.org</a>.</p> <br /> Tagged: <a href='http://tecnomagxs.wordpress.com/tag/druidas/' rel="nofollow">druidas</a>, <a href='http://tecnomagxs.wordpress.com/tag/edge-org/' rel="nofollow">edge.org</a>, <a href='http://tecnomagxs.wordpress.com/tag/engenheiros/' rel="nofollow">engenheiros</a>, <a href='http://tecnomagxs.wordpress.com/tag/english/' rel="nofollow">english</a> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gocomments/tecnomagxs.wordpress.com/242/" rel="nofollow"><img alt="" border="0" src="http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/tecnomagxs.wordpress.com/242/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=tecnomagxs.wordpress.com&blog=4364306&post=242&subd=tecnomagxs&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> druidas edge.org engenheiros english tecnomagia Uncategorized Tue, 22 Jan 2013 01:58:06 +0000 felipefonseca 12933 at http://efeefe.no-ip.org